関西大学図書館電子展示室:ちりめん本 KANSAI UNIVERSITY
Princess Splendor
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time was much worn, suddenly broke and he fell backwards on the top of an iron caldron. The men sprang forward very much frightened and lifting the apparently dying lord off the lid of the caldron placed him carefully on the ground and moistened his lips with some water. He slowly opened his eyes and, motioning for a candle to be brought, whispered, that he wished to see the shell which would gain the princess but had cost him so dear. Opening his hand, there was no shell, nothing but a little piece of dirt, which he dropped and sank back exhausted.
 Borne to his palace, his one thought was to hide his disgrace from everybody, for he would rather die of his wounds than live to be laughed at, and the very thought of people making fun of him made him worse.
   The princess hearing of his accident sent to inquire after his health, saying in a little couplet, that she wished to know whether it were true, that, after all these years of waiting, his labor had been in vain and he had not obtained the shell.
 When Lord Overstone received the letter he was very weak, but getting some one to hold the paper, with great difficulty, he wrote, that it was reward enough to have the princess pity him, even though she could not save his life already passing away; and falling back he expired.
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