関西大学図書館電子展示室:ちりめん本 KANSAI UNIVERSITY
Princess Splendor
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must be for them because he had found it among his old friends the bamboos.
 In three short months the tiny fairy grew into a gentle girl and then to a fair and noble woman, and her foster parents decided that it was time to give her a name and have her dressed and treated as became her grace and beauty. This, the old bamboo-cutter was able to do, for ever since the day he first saw her in the wood, whenever he cut down a bamboo, he found gold concealed between the joints; and thus little by little he grew richer and richer till finally he built a magnificent house and kept a retinue of servants. Now although their daughter had grown so beautiful, that there was no one in the whole world with whom she could be compared, she was just as gentle as she was beautiful, the joy of her
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