関西大学図書館電子展示室:ちりめん本 KANSAI UNIVERSITY
The children's Japan
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beyond the sides.This roof is supported on posts, which are not buried in the ground as you would expect   them to be, but rest upon large flat stones, so that the house may rock to and fro upon the stones when shaken, instead of falling. All the rooms are on the one floor and are separated by sliding doors made of paper, which you push in and out when you go from one room to another, or take them out altogether if you wish to make your room large.The side of the house, consists of more sliding doors, made of very thin white paper through which light comes, but you cannot see outside, unless you put your finger through and make a hole.The floors are covered with soft white mats which are pretty and clean , and the low ceilings are made of wooden planks.
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